Project Directors: Atlas of Florida Editors: James R. Anderson, Jr. Edward A. Fernald, State of Florida Geographer Laurie Molina Elizabeth D. Purdum Multimedia Authors: Atlas of Florida Cartographers: Beverly Renard James R. Anderson, Jr. Chris Wilkes Peter A. Krafft David May CD-ROM Staff: Atlas of Florida Associate Cartographer: Linda Harbin Elizabeth Wilkes Shell Kimble Other Contributing Staff: Atlas of Florida Cartographic Assistants: Emily Earp Daniel C. Endrizzi Tim Palermo Daryl B. Huffman Peter Krafft James A. Reed Mark Knoblauch Thomas J. Richard Heather Coxe Traci A. Schultz Debbie Hagenbuch-Reese Christopher D. Wilkes Johnnie Harris Sheila Williams Gary Flowers Thanks To: Barry Mittan, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Joan Morris, Florida State Archives Dixie Nims, Florida Department of Commerce Link Clay, Florida Senate Bill Degrove and Tanya de Blij, Florida House of Representatives Ed Hines, Pace Marketing Daniel and Jamie at Stokes Imaging Services Charlie Fitzpatrick, ESRI Lucy Hagen and the ETLI Staff The teachers in Florida who reviewed the material Special Thanks to: Britt Communications Dave Brittain, Florida Department of Education David Voss and Stephen S. Feibus, Apple Computer, Inc. Talbot D'Alemberte, President of Florida State University EduQuest Christopher Keane, Joint Education Initiative, University of Maryland